What marketing report templates do we have?

What marketing report templates do we have?

One day Gala, founder of Gaille Reports, woke up to the idea that all the marketers are suffering from creating a plenty of identical reports every month which is simply a waste of time and this needs to be solved. That’s how the idea of automatized marketing report templates appeared. You just need to connect data sources and you will get a fully ready-to-use report – it will take only 5 minutes or even less!

We have 19 marketing report templates and 4 additional services so far but more templates are yet to come. Surely, you will find something that will ease your work and save plenty of time. 

I would like to tell you about 7 most popular marketing report templates from our store.

Cohort Analysis Template. LTV and Customer Retention

Cohort analysis may be really useful for SaaS, game, e-commerce, online apps, language schools etc. There are various reasons why you may need this report:

  • Cohort analysis focuses on grouping customers based on specific time periods, such as the month they made their first purchase. The template can visualize how these cohorts perform over time, helping marketers identify trends and patterns.
  • Customer Lifetime Value is a crucial metric that estimates the total revenue a business can expect from a customer throughout their entire relationship.
  • Cohort analysis can reveal differences in behavior and preferences among various customer segments. By using templates that include segmentation features, marketers can tailor their strategies to specific cohorts, improving overall marketing effectiveness.
  • Customer retention is a key factor in long-term business success. A template for retention metrics can show how well a business is retaining customers over time. This information is vital for identifying areas that need improvement and for implementing targeted marketing strategies.

B2B paid traffic leads overview

Second most sold template is B2B paid traffic leads overview. This report was created to let B2B directors see their leads and, particularly, paid traffic leads. It will be truly relevant for B2B’s with a little number of leads but expensive ones, for example for lawyers, higher education providers or luxury trip agencies. In other words, companies with long sales will find this B2b Paid traffic leads report really useful.

This report gives you a full image of everything about your budget – how much was spent, what is planned, comparison in percentage between how much was planned and spent in fact. 

Obviously, you will also get a detailed view on leads – leads in total, split by channels and by ads platform. 

By default, the report is set up for Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads and also contains an Instagram overview. You can set it up for your ad platforms.

GA4 and Google Search Console SEO report

GA4 and Google Search Console are two of the most powerful tools when it comes to organic traffic. They perfectly complement each other and this way they create a full image of your organic traffic performance. 

This report provides a detailed view on organic traffic KPIs, sessions overview, top popular pages, keywords analysis, audience overview and so on. 

Compare GA4 and Ads data for online store

This report helps you to compare GA4 and Ads platforms data. It would be really useful for a performance marketing agency.

It starts with all the main KPIs split by Facebook and Google Ads data split into Google Search, Google Shopping and Google display. This table shows us the spent on each kind of advertisement as well as the comparison of certain KPIs. Then, the report offers us a detailed view on revenues, ROAS, purchases and sales. 

RFM analysis for Customer Segmentation

RFM analysis (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) is a marketing method used to segment and understand customer behavior based on three key dimensions:

  • Recency (R): How recently a customer has made a purchase or engaged with the business.
  • Frequency (F): How often a customer makes a purchase or interacts with the business.
  • Monetary Value (M): The total monetary value of the customer’s purchases or transactions.

This report includes sales overview and main KPIs related to it and detailed segments analysis – revenues and sales, number of orders, average order value etc. This template is one of the most bought in our store because it is really useful and nice. Check it out!

Plan & Fact spending trajectory template for paid ads traffic sources

We believe that this report is a must-have for digital marketing and advertising agencies, paid ads individual specialists and agencies. First of all, it gives you a complete image of your budget movements – how much you have and how much you have spent (as a percentage and as an amount), and helps you identify the most effective traffic channels and see their detailed overview. 

This template will surely come in handy – it will help you adjust strategies and campaigns to allocate the resources properly and forecast the future expenses. 

Classic Google Analytics sales funnel for GA4 and UA

This one is a basic report for e-commerce directors and managers. It is dedicated to user behavior. There are many reasons why it may be useful and some of them are:

  • Understanding User Behavior: you can track user interactions from the initial landing page to the final conversion point.
  • Identifying Conversion Rates: The funnel template allows you to measure conversion rates at each stage of the user journey.
  • Optimizing User Experience: Analyzing the sales funnel can reveal areas where users are dropping off or abandoning the conversion process.


You can find all of the dashboards in my template store.

Hope you liked this article. Using the chance, we are wishing you a Happy New Year!