Report automation

Report automation

Tired of extracting the data from the ads platforms and creating reports fully manually? Making reports and updating them every single time seems an everlasting nightmare? There is a solution – report automation!

Why would you need report automation

Marketing report automation optimizes efficiency by minimizing human error and standardizing reporting formats. With predefined templates and customizable dashboards, marketers can generate reports with a few clicks, eliminating the need for manual data manipulation. Automated workflows ensure consistent report delivery, reducing the chances of oversight or delayed reporting. Additionally, automation software can schedule reports to be generated and distributed at specific intervals, providing stakeholders with timely updates on key performance metrics and marketing campaigns. This enhances internal communication and facilitates data-driven decision-making processes.

There are many advantages of report automation:

  • Report automation can literally save you up to 30% of time on report creation
  • Improved efficiency and ROI
  • Improved client experience

Reporting tools and connectors

I recommend using reporting BI tools like Tableau, Power BI or Looker Studio. Although, you can stay with Google Analytics or Google Sheets reports as well. Every approach has pros and cons.

When you create and update reports manually, the process of pulling data from different ads and marketing platforms to Google Sheets (or other places) takes a lot of time. But you can automate this process using API connectors: such Supermetrics, Power My Analytics or others. 

This step will already save a lot of your time. Cons – most of these connector services are paid.

Marketing report automation is a game-changer for modern businesses. By streamlining reporting processes, improving efficiency, and enabling data-driven decision-making, automation software empowers marketers to focus on strategic initiatives that drive growth. Embracing this technology allows businesses to make informed decisions, optimize marketing campaigns, and allocate resources effectively. As the business landscape continues to evolve, marketing report automation remains a critical tool for staying competitive, achieving marketing objectives, and delivering exceptional results. 

Creating reports in Looker Studio is not that difficult. To start a new career it is enough to take just one step – join my course in Data Visualization in Looker Studio right now!

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