How to get the first and last purchase date of the customer in Google Sheets?

How to get the first and last purchase date of the customer in Google Sheets?

When it comes to tracking purchases, Google Sheets emerges as a handy tool for organizing and manipulating data. With Google Sheets functions like MAXIFS and MINIFS, businesses can easily pinpoint crucial details such as the date of the first and last purchase, streamlining their operations and decision-making processes.

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Understanding MAXIFS and MINIFS Functions

Google Sheets offers a variety of functions to analyze data, and MAXIFS and MINIFS are among the most powerful ones. These functions allow users to find the maximum or minimum value in a range based on specified criteria.

  • MAXIFS(criteria_range1, criterion1, [criteria_range2, criterion2, …]): Returns the maximum value among cells specified by multiple conditions or criteria.
  • MINIFS(criteria_range1, criterion1, [criteria_range2, criterion2, …]): Returns the minimum value among cells specified by multiple conditions or criteria.

Applying the formula to the case

Let’s start with creating a list of our customers using the =UNIQUE() function. Then, for each customer ID, we find the minimum date value using the =MINIFS() function.

To find the date of the first purchase, we can use the MINIFS function. The formula would look something like this:

=MINIFS(A:A, B:B, "Customer Name")

In this formula:

  • A:A represents the range of dates.
  • B:B represents the range of customer names.
  • “Customer Name” is the specific customer whose first purchase date we want to find.

Similarly, to find the date of the last purchase, we can utilize the MAXIFS function:

=MAXIFS(A:A, B:B, "Customer Name")

Here, the logic remains the same, but we’re using the MAXIFS function to find the maximum date instead.

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