Google Data Studio vs Looker Studio

Google Data Studio vs Looker Studio

You may already know Google Data Studio, maybe even worked with it, but now you can’t find it. But now everyone is talking about Looker Studio. Let’s clarify, Google Data Studio vs Looker Studio, what’s better!

Here’s a short video about it!

In fall 2022, Google decided to merge two of their tools – Google Data Studio and Looker Studio. 

Google Data Studio, as we know, served for data visualization, and Looker Studio was a tool for data scientists. In other words, that is how we got Looker Studio!

Obviously, the new Looker Studio has integration with the previous version of Looker Studio, so now you can implement your semantic models into your reports! 

Consequently, in the battle Google Data Studio vs Looker Studio we can’t choose a platform that prevails, because it is actually the same thing, however it is more upgraded and in some things more complex. It has saved the features of Google Data Studio, so ones that were already working with it won’t face any difficulties.

To know how to work in Looker Studio read educational articles in my blog or Medium!

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