Looker Studio GA4 organic traffic, SEO template overview

Looker Studio GA4 organic traffic, SEO template overview

In this article I am going to overview one of the most popular templates in my store GA4 organic traffic, SEO template overview. Before purchasing the report template, you can find detailed information about it and also find a link to the template.

If you prefer video format, check out my video-overview:

Now let’s peek into the report.

SEO performance (last 7 days / this month to date)

The report starts with the section Last 7 days SEO performance that contains 5 scorecards with the main KPIs – Active users, New users percentage, Average engagement time, Conversions and Conversions/Active users rate. To create this template, I’ve connected the GA4 Demo Account as a data source. After purchasing the template, it will be replaced with your GA4 account.

What is interesting in this report is that all the elements contain the filter “Organic”, but you can specify and make it “Organic Search” or whatever. 

Custom formulas

To create % New users I used a formula: New Users/Active users

For the formula Average engagement time I needed to write: User engagement/Active users

And for conversions rate I’ve used a formula: Conversions/Active users

The number presented as a conversion rate may seem to be really weird but the thing is that in Google Analytics 4 every page view is considered to be a conversion. 

Here is the second section of the report where we can see the data from this month to date. It is really handy when comparing two periods.

Current month events by type 

Here is the following section of the report. It consists of 5 scorecards with events that may be found in any GA4 account and a time series chart.

Speaking about the events, there are two filters – organic, and a filter corresponding to the name of the event. Surely, you can change it to any event you want. Each of the scorecards (besides All events) is created using a metric “Event count” and a filter. 

Current month SEO performance by source

In this section we have a table that contains Channel, Section source, Session medium, Sessions, Active users, Average engagement time, Event count, Conversions and Engagement rate. 

Current month SEO performance by device

This section starts with some donut and stacked bar charts. Here we have sessions and conversions info split up by devices. Besides that, there is a supporting table that contains the detailed info about device categories, operating systems, sections, active users, average engagement time, event count, conversions and engagement rate. 

Summing everything up, I have to say that it is easy to use this template but the creation of it takes a significant amount of time. If you want to save your time and have this report template, check it out and buy it in my template store! 

Hope you liked the overview! Share your impressions in comments below!

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